Education is a continuous and creative process. It aims to develop the capacities latent in human nature and to coordinate their expression for the enrichment and progress of society. St. Paul’s high school the past five decades has always been accompanying its students through the period of their evolution during which they mature in their identity, make the fundamental life choices according to ethical criteria and acquire for themselves a first reflex vision of reality. This follow-up has been achieved through a systematic and articulated complex of elements like the cultural and educative contents imparted, the significant relationships offered and the climate created. Education faces everywhere today a fragmentation of the total value-system and the limitations of institutions in recomposing and representing the whole. Furthermore, the quality of information has increased vastly, as also the need to process it in order to survive in the job market.
We see our students come into our institution at a very tender age, we see them grow and bloom. As we see them play, learn, work hard at their studies, we realize the role we play in modeling them. Times today have changed, the young learners have access to gadgets and opportunities and exposure that a decade ago would have astounded us. Change is essential for growth, change for the better. It is the laws of nature that things change and in the process there are bound to be areas in which a lot of restructuring and reinventing is required. When we see our students on the threshold of their lives, we realize that they have to be guided, their energy channelized in the right direction, new vistas giving them a value-system that will enable them to live out their vocation as true women in society.
The school is often seen by those who frequent it as a place where the knowledge necessary for a future job is acquired. Faced with this difficulty, educators often limit themselves to insist on the acquiring of knowledge and training for a job laying an exclusive emphasis on intellectual performance and thus overlooking other important aspects of the person that are under strong attack today.
We the Bethlemites, so as not to limit ourselves to be a prestigious Centre of instruction but are aiming at influencing the conscience and character of the young. It is widely accepted today that education ought to be an agent of social change. We Endeavour to crate in the pupils an awareness of the social realities in which they are immersed rousing in them a sense of solidarity and compassion, stimulating a passion for justice in society. Changes in society arebrought about to a great extent by politics where decisions are made that affects the lives of millions. Hence we strive to help our students grow up in political awareness.
The mass media today are a powerful force for good or for evil among vast number of people, especially the young. Because of the power of their language, the extent of their influence and the uninterrupted flood of messages they pour out, they wield an influence far greater than that of any other educative mechanism. Education in respect of mass media helps them to decipher and evaluate for themselves the messages that come to them from every side and train them to a critical and responsible use of the media. Every human being has to face a variety of problems and seek solutions. Young students pass through an identity crisis and face conflicting values and role models. The need for counseling and guidance is very essential in their lives to help them build up their own value-system and their philosophy of life.
If education is concerned with the growth of the whole human person, it cannot ignore the sexual dimension of the student and her need for knowledge and guidance in this area. A concerted effort is made to provide an education that is necessary according to the various stages of growth of the pupils. Sports, games and all other co-curricular activities that contribute towards the wholesome development of students have always occupied a vital place in the school calendar.
In conclusion we strongly believe and affirm that St. Paul will continue to be a Sacred temple of learning, offering a privileged ambient for integral formation will continue to climb greater heights and dream bigger dreams.
For the past half century and more, St. Paul in Nellore has been striving hard to make Mother Encarnacion rosal’s vision a reality. Thousands have walked past the sacred portals of this institution bearing the distinguishing stamp of St. Paul education and have left a mark wherever they are placed. Today, St. Paul stands towering above many other educational institutions, occupying a unique place in the educational scenario of our Mandal. As we grow from strength to strength, I pray that we continue in this noble task, to bring forth the best in each child and enable her to find her place in this vast universe. With deep respect and gratitude we bow to all those who have striven hard to put our school St. Paul’s on the educational map of our country.