Holy Brother Pedro de San Jose Bethancur Province – India

Our Institute of Bethlemite Sisters, Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, arose from the Bethlemite Order, begun in Guatemala in the year 1658 by Holy Brother Pedro de San Jose Betancur, a native of the Canary Islands. He gave his life to the service of God in the poor, whom he sought out and aided with great love and special care. His house was everyone’s house; there, those who were seeking spiritual and material help found it, and the needy were given charitable shelter.Attracted by his life, several brothers of the Franciscan Third Order, to which Pedro de San Jose Betancur also belonged, joined him. They took him as their master in living radically the demands of the Gospel.
Because of the message which he perceived in the Lord’s Nativity, and because of his great love for this mystery, Pedro dedicated his house to Our Lady of Bethlehem, and his brothers in community took the name of Bethlemites. In 1668, under Pedro’s inspiration, the female branch was started. Over the course of years, it passed through difficult times and came to a point of spiritual stagnation.
In 1838 Maria Vicenta Rosal, a native of Quezaltenango, Guatemala, entered the Beaterio de Belen. She took the name of Maria Encarnacion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.She made it possible for the Charism and Spirituality of Pedro de San Jose Betancur to come down to us through the Bethlemite community which she renewed. It was recognized as a new Institute in the Church by juridical approbation, obtained through a laudatory decree of February 20, 1891. The Institute’s definitive approval was received in 1909.

Our Charism:
Our Charism is centered in the Mystery of the Son of God incarnated and manifested in Bethlehemand in handing over unto death in order to reveal His Father’s love with the attitudes of poverty and humility in order to bring all humans to the Divine filiation and fraternal communion.
The Mother House of the Bethlemite Sisters is located in Bogotá, Colombia. The Congregation has five provinces.
- The Sacred Heart of Jesus’ Province encompasses the countries of Colombia, Panama, Venezuela, USA and Spain.
- Saint Michael the Archangel Province is comprised of the countries of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
- Our Lady of Bethlehem Province covers Chile and Ecuador.
- Immaculate Province in Italy.
- Holy Brother Pedro de San Jose Betancur Province in India.
Our vocation involves in the proclamation of Christ and in the communication of his message of salvation in the unity of faith and love for the realization of human beings, with fidelity to the Spirit, who speaks to us through history and in various ways. Faithful to the charism of our Holy Founders we are committed to the work of evangelization which, in announcing the God News, seeks the participation of all the people in the mystery of Christ, with a preference for the poor. We accomplish this evangelizing action:
- Through the medium of education among every class of people, especially among children and youth.
- In social, health and charitable service among children, young people and the elderly.
- By promoting and inspiring Christian communities in missions and parishes.
Our presence in India:Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Karnataka.
Our presence in the Dioceses: Nellore, Kumbakonam, Chinglepet, Sivagangai, Palayamkottai, Salem,
Archdiocesesof Pondicherry, Madras – Mylapore, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Dharmapuri.
Principal Feast of the Congregation: 25th December
The Present Strength of the Province:
At present there are 15 Communities spread over 11 Dioceses in South India. Altogether there are 96 Sisters of Indian origin in the Province of Blessed Pedro De San Jose Betancur. Of these 91 are working in India, 02 in Colombia, 1 in Dallas and 2 in Italy. Presently there are 09 Novices preparing for their religious journey in the Bethlemite community at Bangalore. Our Provincial house is in Nellore – Andhra Pradesh. We, sisters have acquired professional andtheological qualifications to carry out the work of evangelization among the poor in the fields of Education, Technology, healthcare and Social work.